
Cape Fear Electrical Contactors Association Logo
  • Industry Representation
  • Continuing Education
  • Training Material
  • Online Support
  • Community Sponsorship

The Goals of Cape Fear Electrical Contractors Association:

  • To unite the electrical contractor members and associate members within its jurisdiction for the purpose of mutual benefit and cooperation.
  • To collaborate with others of similar interests who support the electrical industry within CFECA’s jurisdiction.
  • To comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations as a 501c3 nonprofit association.
  • To represent the industry and the views of CFECA at all levels of government and the general public in support of public safety and education of young adults in or interested in entering the electrical trade.
  • To operate without profit, and no part of the income of CFECA shall inure to the benefit of any individual member.
  • To provide benefits, services and educational opportunities for the betterment of the electrical industry by providing class books and materials as needed to local schools and training programs through grants.
  • To support local charities as funds allow and such other lawful purposes as CFECA may choose to pursue.
